bpm automation

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how would I go about automating the bpm to speed up or slow down a track? I've seen in in action in other songs and even watched the bpm counter slide down, but I've never found a layer on the timeline for it. I can't even get the blue box around the bpm to start. I bet it'll end up being super obvious, but uhm, please help.

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  • jordi you could have just said that but thank you

  • so I want to put my tag in there and make it go the bpm to make it sound how it's supposed to sound at its correct bpm without changing the bpm of the actual track, is there a way to do this? please help

    • What do you mean by "tag"? If you mean the bpm track property that shows up when you publish, it's taken from the track's tempo. There's no way to have different values on each.

    • what I mean is I want my tag to go the same bpm in every track, without having to change the bpm on the track itself is there a way to do that?

    • Can you be more specific?

  • why is my bpm blue?

    • because it's been automated

  • press 5 and an automation envelope containing the tempo information will show up. you can also click a little clock symbol on the top left of the timeline