I cant use thus app with IPAD?

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Im sure someone has already asked this but does this app work with apple products? I go to open the app and it says it doesnt support this browser(safari), only Chrome and firefox) so i downloaded Chrome and it still says doesn't support browser... Does anyone use this app on ipad? The app looks incredible! Id love to tinker so hopefully i dont have to buy a comp to use it. If anyone can clue me in I would greatly appreciate it... i couldnt find anything about it not working on apple products.

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  • It won’t let me make a song in the studio it’s saying that there’s a bug and I keep having to reload it what do I do?

  • get puffin web browser

    • it worked on a Samsung, so I'm not sure how well it'll work on an Apple

    • try Chrome Canary

      I tried it and it worked

      but whatever I opened was super laggy and crashed my device when someone tried to join a colllab

    • R.I.P flash version

    1 more
  • Big rip, I'm very sorry, but no, you can't run audiotool on mobile. You need Adobe Flash as well as probably chrome canary, and adoble flash player only runs on computer. There's been talk of a possible mobile app for audiotool, so maybe soon ish it will be possibke to run audiotool on mobile.

    • You might not need it anymore, idk.

    • Adobe Flash? For what you need it here now?

  • No because the OS on the ipad is still mobile. I can load tracks on my phone no problem, but you cant actually do anything, even play or select things. Plus ipads are pretty weak anyway, if you want to produce either get a laptop or pc. Hopefully one day there will be an AT app that you can get on mobile platforms

  • i may have started this. i two thought it may work on the iPad because during thi beta (XD) that it said it was currently working with a version of chrome that it would work on the iPad. i never actually tried it, but yeah...

  • Generally speaking: There's a long list of technologies a browser has to support to run such a demanding application as audiotool. Some of them are rather bleeding edge and mobile browsers are typically the last ones to support them. I don't know what's the deal-breaker for for you specific platform, though.

    According to this feature request (https://www.audiotool.com/board/feature_requests/will_next_be_available) it's more related to the different user interface.