
1. Must use at least one of the synths, and must use the chords

2. Collabs are allowed, and only two entries max per person

3. No remixing other's tracks

4. Any genre is allowed

5. If your remix does not show up, kindly put it in the comments

6. Must be at least 1 minute, 30 seconds

7. This is NOT necessary, but I encourage you to limit sample usages, and maybe throw in a tonematrix ;)


Thank you all so much for 600! It really means the world to me, I love you all, keep being awesome <3


Deadline: January 1st (maybe be pushed back if enough people ask for it)


Prizes are the same as the last: 1st - 5th You get to choose the prize! As long as it doesn't involve money(Sorry I'm broke), you can ask anything of me. A collab, a voice or face reveal specifically for you(this'll be hard to time up, I'll find a way to do it), a brainwork of you(like Jetdarc did for C.S.), or basically anything that comes to mind! Shoutout in my description.


Hope ya'll enjoy, I want to see some innovative stuff from this, find ways to use this with new tempos, instruments, effects, etc. Just think outside the box

Bueno Suerte :)


Check out all the submissions so far! Put yours in now!


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