This is a song influenced by Dream's song: Road Trip

Featuring: @Dragos_11

Actually anyone can remix this if you can improve on it.

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  • cool, your improving

  • Republished

    A little more changes

  • Republished

    New intro

    New Beats

    A Few More Improvements... barely.

  • Nice track, on my device it is clipping in the middle frequencies, but maybe you just wanted it to sound like that.

    In the second part I would recommend a aditional melody sound that plays some other notes.

    I piano or pad or something.

    Good work!

    • Thanks anyways!

    • I'm not that good at defining genres myself.

      Because of the broken beats I would say it's not trance. Maybe trap...?

      BTW: At 0:24 it seems to me, that the notes of the new sound that starts are off.

    • Could do me a favor, can you please tell me what genre does this song really sound like? Because I am not sure of what genre does this song belong in.

    1 more
  • Good music

    • Okay thanks, but I think i'll try to make it sound more "lo-fi sounding" actually.

    • This should be... Lo-fi

    • Could you do me a favor, I am not sure of the genre of this song can you please tell me what genre should it belong in?

    1 more