it aint easy being me (ong i jus got posessed by wheezy)

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  • NOTE: There is key modulation when the tempo ritardando's

    Tempo I: 142-143

    Tempo Marking: Allegro

    Tonic/Root: F

    Fits with F Minor Triad and F minor scale, not in a mode, natural minor

    Key : F minor

    Relative Major: Ab Major

    I V chord progression

    Tempo ritardano's at 8th bar of the song

    Key modulates as tempo ritardano's

    Tempo II: 115.000

    Tempo marking: Moderato

    Tonic/Root: Ab

    Fits with Ab Minor Triad, and scale, no mode, natural minor

    Key: Ab Minor

    Relative: F Major

    • i understood all of that only through context. i know absolutely nothing about music theory and i wish i did. finna study hard during my winter break though

    • thank you😌

    • amazing beat

    2 more
  • man peace ful and funk

  • adonis

  • Finna do some music theory real quick give me a sec...

  • YO this smacks