what can i really say about this guy? really, there's a lot of words to describe his sounds. is it the way he can evoke strong emotions with such limited FX usage? what's his strategy? how can this man make me so vigorously emotional listening to his tracks most of the time? I'll never know. we'll never know! just what all I know is that y'all should give more attention to him.

your music has always found a way to either leave me dancing, crying, or even nostalgic, and remembering the tracks you made early last year will never leave my mind. I'm still listening and banging to them to this day (you're a life saver for archiving everything lol), and you will forever be one of my favorite artists on this site, and your sounds are always an inspiration to me, one way or another, mentally or emotionally. thank you for being you - and for being a based morgana fan.



apart of my fanmade brainwork album

fanmade brainworks


tracks i highly recommend for y'all to listen to from him if y'all haven't;




msn emoticon



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