
thank you naswalt for checking out my stuff

its really a honor.

I thought i would bring it up to you and remix one of your tracks,and i found this

i hope you really enjoy this one, this took time and effort, and many dead ideas haha

Also check out sim, he is a genius aswell

thank you

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  • Jesus I remeber this

  • Jesus I remeber this

  • I just notice when I listen to this song my eyes roll back making feel good inside

  • kinda wished the snare poped out more, but overall really nice job!! <3

  • not bad my dude

  • It seriously warms my heart that I've managed to inspire you. You're doing great work and WAY better production than I did when I was starting off here. You're bound to make some hits and a big impact to this community.

    • Thx man

      and sorry for the spam about this track on your wall

  • This is a perfect song, I wanna use this at my funeral