In the beginning there was Jack

And Jack had a groove.

And from this groove

came the grooves of all grooves

And while one day vicously throwing down on his box

Jack boldly declared, let there be house.

And house music was born.

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  • i favorited this on soundcloud and thought i did here too

    oops lol

    great tune here man

  • sooo good !

  • fantástico

    1 more
  • jamesON - tulaMORE - smirnOFF

    • I'll take your word for it since I wasn't around the OG days haha... ha... heh :'(

    • I am subpar man! Voyd and VLTRA are the real legends here. I miss them!

    • hehe thanks man, I really appreciate it, even more so since you ARE the auditool house grandmaster!

    2 more