Ova the Surface-anutha great track from Lunatix off the upcoming album out in early summer 2018,named 'Back to zuburbia' and includes tracks like,budabye,back to zuburbia,zuburbanzania,planet zub,Lunozaniak,zeekwaitha,Ovavue,RSILABZUB,Anutha shuttle mix,plus the track from the lab,Zubnodes-at the moment in infrastructure.

Plus look out for the album releases from RSI tech 1-named,'RAYCEAGENSTYME','LiteYeersAhed',The Syantifikal Era',plus the mix-RSI tech 1 The Lunatix mini megamix'.Plus loads of singles,'fizzy drinks,kontreavance,igneous,muzik park,ships harbour,(RAP album,House of Rah,etc).Check it out..Lunatix-RSI.

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