I just wanted to make an experiment with the pulv...

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  • GREAT.

  • love it - good work beautiful music and most of all the vibe is addictive :)

  • Thanx again TopHat I'm really gald that you liked it!

  • !! You never fail to amaze me sbronz! I havent been up here in awhile and im mised the debut of these songs xD i LOVE those slides, great beat vibe and synths

  • @Grotzo , so first it's a her, then it's a him? xD

  • Thanx Grotzo!

  • Here is the music which we forget not. But I, besides, I place her(it) in my favourites(whiskers), to have the possibility of listening to him(it) still.

    Ha una musica che non si dimentica. Ma io, ne più, la pongo nei miei favoriti, per avere la possibilità di ascoltarlo ancora.

  • ehehe...that would be great! Thanx again Starz, you're so kind!

  • This should be featured in my opinion.

  • WOW Thank you so much Starz...I'm honoured to listen such compliments by a person that made such a great track as "Out of cave.." as a FIRST track! Thanx again! I really appreciated it!

  • supercool! I love the pulv twists and the beat fits perfectly. I love listening to your tracks. I always love your sounds. You're one of my favourites. Always pleasant to the ear and making me think of happy things. Great, great great and did I mention that this was GREAT|

  • Thanx EURYNOME

  • realy cool track ,,,

  • Thanx Greyjoy! I did that directly using the tone of the oscillator.

  • Are those pitch-bends done with the glide function, the note-track slide or an automation? However they're done this is bloody good.