Basically when you take a fast arp line, and turn up the level on the reverb with full room space so that it makes the notes run into each other with the undampened reverb, making the illusion of super-attacky chords. Did this in my track called 303 (in arabic) to make pads kind of with the 303.

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  • Damn

  • kepz in the rebs

  • I associate this technique with Kepz for some reason.

  • I've done this a bunch, cool to see people learn from it. Great technique.

  • yea but the cowbells you cant forget the cowbells

  • <3 Way better than when I attempted in a draft.


  • omg.

    I've been trying to make good pads for so long :')

  • Woah, pls make this a full track!

  • Hlektro Tutorials 2.0

  • nice track m8

  • Teach me more, Senpai.

  • Yeah, I used a similar technique in Ableton, outputting only a delay plugin's "diffusion" to create a super wide and washy pad :D

  • aBstracT, why are you such a genius?