Some aliens carry this virus and is comunicable to humans. The head rots and the brain stays alive while the head finishes rotting . It's the little animal aliens ,the ones that escaped from that alien craft that crashed in brazil about a decade ago. NOT THE CHUPACABRA. A CONTAGION.

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  • What U said:)

  • What they didnt tell you ? I AM THE CHUPACABRA hehe

  • This could be on the soundtrack to a successful nightmare. I like it!

  • Ambient.

    I like.

    : D

  • i like dark

  • hey bra another goody :)

  • {since robert1040ez is unable to speak due to quitting speaking on audiotool} However using piglatin sign language say's "UNBELIEVABLY EPIC AND TERRIFYINGLY CHILLING TO THE BONE WITH EXCELLENT BASSLINES".