my family went to get a U-Haul to put our boxes in. luckily i packed all my stuff up early so i thought i'd make a quick little tune :)

got to wear my skull disco love on my sleeve too. i've made alot of bad attempts since aperture but this one is something neat and i wanna hear it on the road when we move out on sunday. so yeah tell me what you guys think ;)

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  • Sounds like a movie soundtrack.

  • woah this is a beautiful blend of like 5 genres! like, super fantastic work

  • this is awesome

  • good one

  • I like how the sampe vocals sound like a didgeridoo

  • I like how you vary the intensity of the kick when it comes in on the 16ths, and how when the beat drops it has a different feel from everything else. I think the ambient noises in the background might be a little too vanilla. Maybe some extra dub effects like some stereo echo, or a ping pong reverb thing, or something like that could help spice it up when it starts to become a little bland. Liking this though.

    • I've done something like that. Just gotta repub wwhen I have time. Thx for the feedback, b055.

  • cool stuff :)

  • im really starting to like making stuff under 140 bpm :)