This is gotta be one of my bestest songs Ive made, may not sound like much detail, but theres a lot put to it like 5 and 6 lines of it, I dedicate this to my life, put your self in my shoes, the drops, represent the times of cried, theres a fire vocal has been the times I have been pissed and the news stands for the world scares me, Its a beautiful and sad, mellow out song so listen, By me, DJ Kill Machine, and Ik its not Dubstep or techno, got caught off guard and it takes time to get amazing

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  • I hear u soon Im going to be legit, get a DJ set up, and be on that shit all day try and get good as Downlink and Kill the noise, Datsik

  • in main it dont sounds bad:

    But you should mix it better.

    almost all of the tracks are to heavy try the reduce the sound with the main Centroid.

    Also you should try to use some effects to make it sound more you than others. for example the "Ambient World" Track" sounds to much like AARON with some effects you can make it sounds like your music !

    greets aaron !