Life's been kicking my ass for a while but sometimes you just got to let it go and move on. This is a track about moving on. Today I found a little hope and suddenly I could put something together again. Samples are drum one shots and the vocals which I layered. The synths are mine so you can blame me for any off notes you hear. Lol.

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  • Did I mention that this must be listened to with headphones? I spent a couple of hours with the pan effects in this one so headphones definitely break some small things out.

  • Thanks mates. Life is hard but we keep trekking on don't we.

  • that's good man :) life's been shit for so many people around me.... this is good :)

  • this is great man.

  • no worries

  • Thank You PC. I appreciate that. A lot.

  • if by "suck so bad" you mean "very good track" then sucks the good way...

    Love the beat, the vocal are indeed good and the panning adds some nice stereo feel. Very nice i say :D

  • I'm a bit disappointed that this track doesn't get more love. I personally think the vocal effects in this track are my best yet with headphones. I like the pads and drums as well. Does this track suck so bad?

  • It sounds better with headphones. All the little vocal layers and pan differences stand out much more than they do on speaker.

  • Grazie Marco!

  • Batteria fantastica Eric! Bella anche la base! Grande!

  • thank you WS

  • cool;-)

  • Thanks UniverseCosmic

  • thanks as always ssagg. I like the new avatar.