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  • cant stop coming back to this

  • Actually a while, kept trying to finetune the first half

  • How long did it take you to make this?

  • Your recent trap is really good

  • This blows my mind honestly. Why can't all music be exactly like this? It's pure brilliance, honestly man. That bass at the end :O

  • dis sum dank ass shit, homie

  • u almost nailed hood trap abs. ALMOST

  • Nice!

    Ill probably download it.

    You have a way with music I can't understand..

  • oh my

  • you’re trvpstract

  • <3

  • danm

  • lit af

  • the transition at the end is insaaane

  • It's interesting that you describe it like that. To me, it feels like 4/4 the whole way through, but at 64 bpm. Or cut time at 128bpm if you felt like it.