Cover art by Moga


At first I was gonna put some snazzy little excerpt here about how the human race sucks ass and deserves to be eradicated, but I decided to talk about other stuff instead.

First off, I originally intended not to do anymore horror-esque tracks after I did those 5 for Love Songs For Sociopaths, but I ended up listening to some of the lovely Moga's music and got drawn back to it. So yeah, that happened. Also, while I'm on the subject, you should check out her tumblr ( ). There's some neat stuff there.

Anyway, I managed to whip this song out after about 30 minutes, and I'd say it's pretty decent. I've never made a song at 30 BPM before, so this is kinda new to me.

Hope you guys like it. I'm off to go play some LoL.

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