first song..

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  • That's my 2 cents and no need to take this too seriously, i am not that good so my review may be sketchy at best...but for a first song its an awesome work...actually better than mine :D

  • A little transition connection so that it actaully evolves rather than quickly jump, that way its more of a continuous mix rather than tracks randomly jumping in front of each other...the bird sounds are excellent in the outro, but maybe the intro conflicts with them unless you use them AS the intro and then smoothly work your way into the dub part.

  • Nice, i give it 4 of 5. Now personally, i feel that the change in 0.24 cold be smoother, it feels a little to harsh going from one to the next, although the background that appears is a nice touch and does give it some feel. Same thing in 0.44 , 1.15 , 1.56 and 2.10 .