Here is my own take on the track. I hope it's dancy enough for you :P As usual wear headphones!! :D

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  • Some really cool sounds here. In my opinion you should have won :P

  • Congrats on the third place !! :D

  • dude you could go pro

  • Thanks! And I'll let you know the name of it when I make the preset

  • Not the wobbling one ;)

  • Could you make a preset with the screaming bass at 0.50 ? :)

  • I don't really like the intro, it's a bit too slow to me but the part from 0:43 is... totally amazing !! ;D

  • One of my fav remixes dude :)

  • Love that synth during the build, and there's good variety in the basses :) AW35UM remix man :D