It's funny I actually just hit 200 recently as well, so yeah. This is cool though, I am not nearly as talented as you are, so eh. But yeah, I just kind of put something together, since I didn't really know what I was doing with it or where I wanted to go with it XD

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  • I still honestly really enjoy this.

  • By the way, I didn't make this to win or anything, I just wanted to make something XD

  • Republished

    Some changes.

  • Nice! I love the drone/noise override with just enough of the track audible to make you listen hard. I really dig stuff like this.

    • Lol yeah, I thought it came together really well, especially since it's not ear rape, it just has a lot of bass.

  • This could be better if I really worked on refining it, except I'm just kind of lazy when it comes down to that stuff, so eh. I dunno, it clips way too much, although that kind of add's to the style or whatever the right word for that is.