Well I know how much Infyuthsion dislikes simple remixes, so I added a Rasselbock, AND a Drumloop.


Well this is what I have. When I first started this the first thing I did was edit the vocals, first the sound, and then I got a little creative and mixed them up. Then I waited a week or so, until I was getting close to the deadline. So I set aside some stuff and got to work on it, kind of. I procrastinated a bunch and got the flu, so then I was left with today to finish most of my remix. I got lost down rabbit trails and such, and ended up with a track that I wasn't too happy with, but was going to publish anyways, but I didn't. I scraped almost everything I had worked on so far, and only said what I wanted to say. It's not a full song, just some vocals. I know I definitely will not win, but I least I published something. Feel free to remix, or whatever. I'm tired of remix contests.

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  • awesome hi-hat needs more cowbell ;)

  • nice man

  • This is awesome man! It must've taken forever to do that!! I Like it, its clever! :D

  • At a later date I will come back and finish this, make it epic. I can't really do it right now, I would have just deleted it, and maybe republished, but it has 2 favorites, so I guess I'll just leave it up, for now.

  • Of course. I'm too late. Figures. I don't know why, but it was February 1st when I published it, where I live. It's probably based off of European time. I'll probably just delete it later, and come back to it even later then.