You don't even deserve the right

To be called that

For my loved ones I reserve the right

To call back

You are not my loved one and you never even were at all

And right now you're all alone, insecure your dick's so small

I know I'm deflecting the feelings everybody has inside

But right now I am having trouble finding a place to hide

I lied

So what, you do all the time

I tried to find the heart inside, you thought that was a crime

I think I'm conflicted and addicted to mixed messages

And mixed drinks and distracting myself with text messages

And cannabis fills the need for an hour, never more

But there's nothing but hate left to fill a void when you're still sore

I am disillusioned

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  • yeah man, growing up puts it in perspective but still theres wounds...

  • ive long sense forgiven, but these sonics hit all the right spots

  • magical

  • Great joberoni

  • dude, this is so good

  • Love the vocals!

  • Gorgeous! LOVE this kind of music. That poem too hit me straight in the feels

    Its nice that that kinda community is here on AT

    Lovely stuff man, lovely

  • whoa.

  • This amazing dude... can't exactly relate to the poem by I can relate to having hardships with my parents... hardships you wouldn't even be able to imagine...and yes, cannabis does a great job filling the need... lots of emotions in this song that i love.

  • all this emotion

  • Damn man. Beautiful song.

  • Thanks for listening, always good to hear that someone else struggles the same; it gives me hope I can overcome :)

  • AT .... this hits me in the heart..

    I've never heard sounds that captures this aspect of my life that I can relate to..

    Thank for this ..

  • niice! Tyler,the creator samples.