15 minutes.


day 4: published a new track. thinking of a remix contest. tons of ideas. school tomorrow. im so tired.... :(

enjoy! :)

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  • no way :)

  • shut up with your 15 minutes

  • and @Ante sorry, i usually put reverb on everything. like.....everything. even if you dont hear it its probably still there...i split off signals and plug both outs into a minimixer, one w/ reverb and one w/out and then ill turn the reverb to like -40db! im a bit crazy. ;)

  • thank you all! :)

    and @Ketram yeah, thatd be cool! id have no prob with that! ;)

  • I think there might be too much reverb, but I like the track a lot. This is sweet and its amazing that you can make this in such a short amount of time. Definitely sounds like an Adult Swim bump

  • I should do littleartemix :)

  • haha thank you! :)

  • Nice! 15 minutes?! Gaaaahhh. O_O