First song for my new album that's coming out! Hope you guys enjoy!

Feedback appreciated!

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  • Woah!

  • Republished

    Fixed the wobble being too loud and overpowering

  • Republished

    Fixed up a few things

  • This is really good!Keep it up! :)

  • You have potential. It's pretty empty but considering you're pretty new at this it's not bad at all. Try having some diversity throughout the song, and try to fix up your melodies in the future. The melodies are one of the best parts of a song. Search up some basic music theory if you don't know any. It helps. Alot. It's not easy, but it could help with making any type of music.

  • So yeah unfinished

  • Gonna fix up some stuff soon like the blips, some of the bass, and the drop