As you find yourelf falling asleep it's time to watch the stars in your dreams.

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  • we literally just went "okay so twinkle twinkle little star"... What haven't we made? oh future bass okay, then for the next 3 hours we went mentally insane and it charted almost instantly. had fun with it that's for sure

    • Twinkle twinkle little star i got drunk at hit your mom in a car :3

    • 7rixus actually i dont know. im trying not to remix because then im just like getting lazy and im just like, ya, whatever lets publish it. dont ask me to remix unless it has like nothing in it.

    • Legit made to have it at the beginning

    3 more
  • how did u make the static

  • #1 Charter WOOOOO

  • goofy goober

  • good dnb!

    • kinda just ended up being dnb on accident ngl, i liked this collab