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  • Cool flowing melody, with a slight fast drum beat.

  • Yeah! So nice! Love it.

  • today, i get in touch with the track again via audiotool-radio. Soooooo niceeeeeee !

  • I would consider this fringe dubstep. For me it needs the bass emphasis, whether there is wobble or not. All dub music is about the bassline, whether is grimy or smooth.

  • --> i know, drops are in every kind of elctronic music... :D

  • Wow, this is just vast. I love it!

  • Thanks for the love, Jonjon. You've been supporting me and giving me tips from the beginning. Without you and Infyuthsion my sounds wouldn't be where they are now.

    Qpunk, we had a convo about the dubstep status of the track. It's all about the patterns not the wobble.

  • when i heard it twice, i realize that this wasn't dubstep. But i like. Very ... ähhm ... needs a Rainy Mood!!!

  • I checked out some of the artists you guys mentioned, sounds good (:

    Do you guys know Great Skies? It isn't really dubstep ( I think it's called 2step) but it has the same chillout style:

  • Have you heard anything by Phaeleh? Really chilled out dub-step with no wobbles or distortion anywhere.

  • I have a ton of Ikonika. I'm not big on the dirty wobble dubstep and was looking for various other styles and got recommended to check her out. I bought so many of her tracks haha.

  • Ikonika is sooooooo good. Listen to her album on hyperdub it's amazing.

  • Aftershokz, Check out Martyn, Ikonika, and Pangaea for more examples of non wobbly dubstep.

    Thanks for featuring my track, Audiotool staff! It means a lot to me.

  • chilly song dude that you got there friend:)

  • its actually dubstep. Dubstep was actually acategorized as garage bass or drum:) there are many forms...doesnt have to have wubs:)