True memes come from the Black Speech, first spoken at the dawn of the world.

It was said that the ancient kings of the area between the Tigris and the Euphrates spoke it fluently, and exercised their will in the form of all-powerful memes that everyone down to the lowliest commoner obeyed.

When Greek civilization dawned, it was said that Aristotle and Plato spent their final years contemplating these memes, and went mad from the effort. They did not realize the true nature of this.

Alexander the Great was said to have carried an inscription of one of these memes with him at all times. He conquered the known world, but he died young and withered as a result. He spoke this infernal tongue, and it was said that even the smallest insects carried the memes as he commanded.

It was said that the Romans buried their memes wisely under the banks of the Tiber. They strode to master these under their grip, but it eventually caused their downfall, for no man may hope to contain the memes- information that only the most learned sages can hope to know, and even they can only grasp blindly at the edges.

Over a thousand years passed with European civilization forksaking the memes entirely, burning them wherever they were found. They were heresy and an affront to their God, created in the fires of Hell. Eventually they were forgotten.

In the New world, the memes were rediscovered, buried among the Incan kings and the Aztecs- the latter of which sacrificed men to it as a god. The Mayans had hoped to exploit it, and they had completely vanished as a result.

During the Great War, the existence of these memes became known again, but they were quickly buried and declared illegal weapons.

The first meme spoken in its entirety in over a thousand years- not enunciated, but Named and Spread, which is how they give power unto men- occurred at Trinity, 1945.

Rumors say that Konstantin Chernenko, the premier before Gorbachev, demanded to hear one presented. He died after only 13 months in office.

It is said that the end of the worl

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