"proudly made on a chromebook"-NeoMist

"this guy made this on a chromebook, holy moly"-R.shani

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  • wow

  • damn!

  • This track will be out on monday, Everywhere.

  • The fast drums with the melody, kinda has a jungle drum bass feeling.

    Check out Justice Incognito, and Generator, groovy songs.

  • nice

  • holy

  • and here i am thinking neomist cant get better then he already is

    • AAAA thank you so much!!!

    • neomist takes the majority of credit on this one

      this is insane

      he’s very talented

    • phenomenal work you 2!

  • Republished

    Made a few small adjustments to the track, and fine tuned everything

  • the only thing I think is glaring is how bright the lead can be at parts. The FM on that heis is giving it a LOT of high end information that might be good to either completely filter out (like 8k and above) or to filter out over time with a filter envelope!

    If I'm wrong and that's actually a space synth, the the same thing can be pulled off with the mod envelope.

    Or just slap an auto filter on it... a lot of different approaches, see which one works for it.