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love me some chilled lofi hiphop. <3


hey; discussion, Which genres should Audiotool add to the genre selection?

I want "Acoustic" and or "Folk".

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  • This is the vibe I was looking for..the bass is crazy for high on sleep

    I wish I listened when it came out ❤️❤️

  • I'd go with acoustic for starters, but then branch out when everyone inevitably trades in their massive chord stacks to write cosy folk music

    • True, would be a nice thing to see, would make this site an even more versatile place.

    • Aye, if there was a really good number of people using live instruments, all kinds of new genres would have to be added, like rock, folk, and a bunch of others. That'd be pretty exciting

    • yeah i feel that lol. im just thinking about my old uke stuff and how theres virtually no place for it here

  • this is the kind of music i love bro. <3

  • i would love to see some folk on AT lol, that would be the day

    • im making some atm actually so :)

  • I think the square lead's vibrato is a little too slow but other than that it's solid track

    super laxed as always

    • omg

      I appriciate you taking my crit into consideration, Joe <3

    • loud and clear boss

  • yo, this is so good

    i'll try to remix

  • Republished

    kib <3

  • smooth

  • very good