a slightly shortened recreation of 451 Days and the very beginning of New Faces in the Dark, by Loathe.

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  • omg this is amazing. Very accurate

  • This is awesome work! I'm super excited to hear the track that follows :) Where can I hear it?

    • Ah, found it :) Thought it was on audiotool!

  • This is pretty damn cool.

    • if I did that I'd have to cover the entirety of New Faces in the Dark and my computer can barely handle this much lol

      plus I feel like anything other than Loathe's ambience deserves to be covered with a guitar to get the true umph of the original

    • GIVE US MOREEEEE you can't just add that last little bit and not have more to it lol

  • This is pretty damn cool.

  • Republished

    bruh I think this is the one

  • Republished

    bruh what


  • Republished

    tried to fix as much as I could with earbuds

  • Republished

    shit I forgot about the thing