I re-wrote this track in ableton quite some time ago . i wanted to publish it here. because i originally wrote the track in AT and it is where most of my music is. I also wanted yall to hear the new version of it since the audience for my music is all on AT

Your walking alone at night kicking a rock down the road as you go. you have no real destination. Your walking off the hurt you feel after a fight with the one you love most in your life. Deep in thought, you wander your way to Elm Street during the witching hour. Suddelnly you Feel ashamed, remembering the horrible legend of what happened here so many years ago. comparing your pain to the Pain and horror of the people on this infamous street, you ask yourself

"How the hell did i end up here?"

This track was created mostly in audiotool

thanks inf for the great bells preset on the HB

Check out the Ableton Version of this track on my soundcloud

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  • the legend is back again... keep it up. its funny how u used to be so popular, but then you don't upload for ages then you get only a couple of likes

  • Beautifull and a bit creepy at the same time ... Love the track allot man.

  • Good to see your face around here again :)

  • Wow, amazing!

  • ur back!

  • Man i love this atmosphere ! Nice remake (i love 02:51 )

  • This is pretty awesome man! I don't hear anything wrong with the samples, I feel like the minor grit causes the atmosphere to become more powerful. Really digging this.

  • do some of the samples sound grumbled in this