The vocal samples were from a free download package from as part of a remix competition of a song called days to come. I had a version of this almost finished, then it kept giving me that dreaded "save error" lost the entire thing but all in all i think it worked out as i had a better idea of how to set the song up. Big thanks to my roomate Shane who helped put this beast back together. Hope you guys enjoy! let me know what you think!

*edit: mixing, EQ, Fx added some minor changes

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  • days to come is by seven lions. i have heard these vocals before, nice choice

  • So chill...

  • this is nice calming stuff.

  • DANGIT now my track name isn't original arggeg93feriursdhfbje

  • This is legittt. I like how smooth and flowy it is (:

  • awesome track!

  • kool one

  • This is amazing!

  • WOW, this is truly amazing, sick vocals

  • This is damn good. i love that bass at the end of the track... If only it was the next song ... mixing in ..

  • This is so pretty am so downloading!!!!

  • this is the first song ive ever downloaded off AT :D it is truly amazing :)

  • A bit late, but: WOW!

    Amazingly beautiful and perfectly fitting.

    Could be a popular track in the charts! LOL =D

  • man this is amazing!

  • BTF !! this track needs way more faves