I thought it was time to rework some of my tracks from a time ago to make them sound better.

So this is the first reworked track, I think I do some more.

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  • Thank you! Ye, when I first optimised this one, I thought to do some more, but until now I haven't done that. But I will definitely do it as said some time ago.

  • Haha, thanks. This track is actually quite old :)

  • Oh man, this is sick

  • Awesome man. cool pic too ^^

  • Thanks!

  • Sweet track dude!

  • Wow, thanks for the great comment =) !!!

    I'm flattered =)

    I keep improving so I think my newer tracks will always be better than my previous ones. I don't know anymore how I 'invented' the synth chord, but you can look up how it's made.


  • Sweet track - your best yet, in my opinion :) Everything is really well mixed and those transitions are beautiful :) Also, I've been trying to make a chord synth like that for ages, I'm gonna have to take a look at that ;)

  • thanks!

  • Awesome! :D

    LOve the drums and the melodie

  • Thanks!

  • Sorry I can't fav. :/

    Love the drums!

  • Great Drum n bass!!!!! Love this!!!!

  • Thanks again for the great comments.

    I will make the bass a bit louder or make a sub bass.

    I will change the things that require improvements.

  • i think it could use some high end to make things crisp; otherwise this is good stuff :)