No Samples no Drumcomputers

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  • tks rooby and trimy mates! this track came out quite fluently, following sandy's indication: making something different

  • Two pro's working together ... result is an amazing track and weird enough to fully fulfill my needs.

  • Masterfully done gentlemen,,love the Kraft snare ;) sweet electro brothers ;)

  • Beauti work.

    the snare is not very much

    • I think that it needs more attack, just a little bit because it only sounds like white noise without too much processing, its a nice snare but it can be better :)

    • all right. Now that I concentrate onit I think I know what you mean. Bit static compared to the rest wich is constantly moving, But I'm afraid I like it too :D Thank you

    • To be more precise.It's about a PULVERISATEUR 2.I didn’t like his sound.

    4 more
  • - i fkin love his music man SHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESH

    - 0:19 bring me backk yes!

    - 0:40 i love that echo in the background. That one key that just suddenly disappears lol. sick

    - 1:09 those plucks tho sheeeesh and a switch at 1:15 nice

    - 2:00 oh yeh its getting grimey in here lol

    - 2:40 ... LSD trip about to take its effects aaaaaaa

    - 3:06 .... dude... im fking high lol XD ( it gives me that vibe)

    - 3:46 i like how you calm things down slowly but still maintain its momentum fking sick man!

  • mmf that kick sound is super clean

  • So much French collaborations Sndbrgn :D


  • *Boss music starts playing*

  • Fantastic electro track!

  • This is pretty cool.

  • tks a lot for this oldshcool collab , was a very creative moment ;)

    • I have to say thank you. Merci beaucup my Sharkfriend