Alrighty then. Here I have a brand new quick downtempo track. I think this track would actually fit better for during the summer, but oh well. I really like this one, so tell me what you think :)

Edit: Fixed the sub issue hopefully, changed the snare fill during the break, and added some BONGOS! :D

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  • AT radio brought me here ;) Great piece of work!

  • Really cool

  • awesome re fav AT radio - this put me on that mood i get when im driving to the airport in the early morning with a feeling always of dread like a leviathan is going to consume me - it never fails i always feel this way leaving home :)

  • i love your out look on chill or maybe i should say your style :)

  • LISTEN TO THIS FELLOW FOLLOWERS...... like when it really kicks in still chill but has a amazing beat!

  • i love it!

  • This has got to be one of my favorite tracks by you, i love the feel of it. i especially the light echoing ringy tonematrix :]

  • Pretty deep, love the vibe you created here. The very subtle sub bass stabs are fantastic and the mix is very good on the ears. Great track!

  • I could see it :)

  • do it - i would say why not it's a great track and would actually go very well in a number of areas including film ...but be strong because alas it's a very very competitive field where so many are willing to give their stuff away free it's hard to even scrape a living as a musician/artist

  • One of my friends said I should submit this to GoPro to have it be the soundtrack for there Ads. Can any of you guys picture that?

  • night time freeway music

  • and beautiful work!!! really like this!!!

  • aww thanks its summer here in Aus right now!! perfect timing for me hehe

  • Wow very beautiful track my friend :)