
"This song is dedicated To those who Slaughter Judge Humilate Rob , Swindle , and Extort all in the name of a Diety , you justify your action bassed on your own interpretation of what is . so i say to you . If your God is like that then this is my message to your GAW_ED! Go Fuck yourself" -Uprising

"At easter I eat the tormented souls of beliefe , preaching to the condemmed and tortured."

abaddon .

SIMPLEX- "iIfear this may upset some ppl but you know what the truth hurts. this track does not aim to offend anyone that believes in god but the ones that take advantage of the power they are givin by the legitimate People of faith who take with no regaurds to the pain they cause to other and for that fact they dont care. I say F***K those ppl and BOMB SQUAD will be the ones who exploit them for who they are..... bad spelling i know....Edit: added a new drum kit that sounds better at hihger volumes .. broght out the vocals in places and lowerd the vol on some of the sceams ... adjusted volumes in the mix in places

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  • i would reboot this track

  • i wish i still knew the password to this account

  • been good my friend. i don't get on this account that much any more

    but i am still around

  • he up how are you mate ?

  • :) this is still here lol

  • Not an adult but don't give a shit! This music is awesome!

  • Holy shiz nickle, this stuff Is good

  • Lol V

  • change to fuck the religious extremists

  • thnxs guys

  • these people are not real christains niether is the taliban proper muslim they are fake

  • Fucking awsome shit :) me not adult but don't give a dam

  • ...i still come back to this song to pump me up when im down ._. <3

  • but am faving this for the music ....love the sounds ... no offence ... but think the vocals could have used a deeper voice !! but then again who am i to judge ... this song is still the bomb for me !!!