I was planning on making this bigger, but my laptop is already lagging a lot from this. Crit???

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  • quite nice, like the detuned feeling

  • changed failed to unfinished

  • I do plan on finishing this. Navor might even help ;)

  • Yeah, its best to use samples with the drums as a filler to fill in any gaps in percussion or add new ones in the corresponding drums you have. you dont want it to sound empty or anything if you know what i mean. but this is really good. you should actually finish this!

  • Basically the sample was used for a timbre thing. Using the hats from the sample made the track sound a whole lot thicker, same with layering pads.

  • Thank you for the feedback anyways guys!

  • @abstract I hipassed a drum sample for the hats and thicker sound and layered it with the main drum made of one shots.

  • Agree with Somnium. Especially love the chords! I'd love to see a full version.

  • The pads are AMAZING

  • *usually

  • Wait, so you guys don't ususally use samples in your tracks for drums?

  • drums = sample aww but it's ok I get lazy too

  • drums are phat

  • oof hectic I really like it