usually end up making these when im high on benedryl , and my sense of..."giving a fuck" flies out the window , and shit gets dark , and i just wanna be some where, where theres nobody , not a thing a beating heart lives..fog..the air is heavy..and i can contemplate whether or not i should live or perish.

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  • i feel like this constantly

  • fabulous

  • chill

  • numbness won't help you realize pain...I also consider this place you dream of escaping to, as contemplation for my life in the future. I mean, i'm not you, but if you can....consider the fact that you have people who love you for what you do, and you probably have people who know you ans still love you for you. ig I understand where you come from. Sometimes life doesn't put you in a position to think about the positive

  • How I feel between 6-8 PM

    • I feel like this 4 days out of the week , and im just so numb.