I don't even know.

This could be, or it could be good

And preferably, use a sub.

Another timekiller.

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  • Thanks Doc! Thats pretty much exactly what i was aiming for. The early creaks, bleary stirs of the birds and the lost wonders of the fog. Cheers man!

  • I really think this is remarkable.. In the early hours of spring the forest wakes up and you hear things start to become alive.. with this track it's a whole different sound but the same exact feeling kinda... }=)

  • Thanks man :)

    And yeah sure haha, remix away, itd be an honour! :)

  • Love it. I really really love it :P I would actually like to remix? :P

  • Thanks man :)

    Its meant to sound a little muddy yeah. But you're right, a little too muddy ;)

  • detuning is cool :] maybe muddy in some parts, good overall

  • Cheers Divus and Rpb! :)

  • Cheers Divus and Rpb! :)

  • rad!!

  • Thanks man :)

    Always love to see a comment from you.

    It was hard to change the synths overall. In the mess there is a overdriven-compressed synth but its really quiet :(

  • the intro is brilliant to 0.27 After that the sound should have changed - use a different synth because it's so overwhelming and then mix it up more throughout. The dissonance is character and works well - not really dissonant that much anyway

  • Thats AT :)

    It has a little too much of everything, agreed. Its kinda meant to sound blurry, disorganised and lost, as such.

    And im up for a collab like this yeah. You have to be in a weird state of mind ;)

  • i love this new direction uve gone in, its pretty far from dubstep but imho really cool, this might be a little too much dissonance, but its cool as an experiment

    lovely arps

    20-25 seconds sounds like the dolby digital sound effect

    oh and im done with my first college ap, its music time u in for collab? (maybe making something like this)

  • Cheers guys! :)

  • wow thats cool. clashy yet melodic.