Something terrible happened to one of my friend, this track just came in ...

I know it's far from being perfect, but can't work on it anymore, at least for now.

Life is short , enjoy every moment with every person you love or like.... Take care

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  • posey !

  • tks pal, special one for me....

  • Lovely notation in this,,so soothing,,good one SharKy ;)

  • lovely

  • Je viens d'écouter la track précédente et celle-ci. J'y trouve un esprit particulier, original. Cela enrichit la musique d'Audiotool. C'est fou le nombre de choses desquelles on passe à côté. Bravo à toi !

  • very pretty :)

  • wow @ATHeat , what can I say.... I am touched my friend, really. This track means a lot for me and I didn't expect someone to feel the same way. So all I have to say is thank you, a thousand time !!! And I am happy if it can brings some light through the darkness...

  • Good people make life more bearable. I count you among those people in my life that make things a bit more enjoyable. Keep on keep-in. I need this song in my life right now. Thank you friend.

  • Cool :)

  • here we are. round thing. Really nice

  • thank you @Paradoxo just removed the extra block but I can't work on it anymore.... even if I would change some settings. Tks a lot

  • Wonderful !

  • As you guess, block @ the end should not be there.... will change it tomorrow, now it's too late for me...