I made this mostly with headphones because my speakers started playing bass only after a while of making this. Enjoy!

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  • woah

    the panning feels weird

    its cool though

  • Cheers friends!

  • This is just an amazing piece of art.

  • crunchingly good

  • omg <3

  • panning feels really weird especially in the intro but i like

    • ah, that's probably what it is. i'm not used to hearing low end on the stereo side of my headphones haha

    • The only thing I really tinkered with panning was basically the drums. I think what you're hearing is cuz I put most low end stuff on stereo and the intro is different cuz I used a sample.

  • I feels kinds weird with everything using a phaser (I assume), but this is really good none the less! I love the melody! You are always really good at making melodies.

    • Cheers. Yeah I think I put a lot of phasers.

  • Nice!

    • Cheers! I'm glad you get excited :)

    • Really well done, always get a little excited when I see one of your tracks on my feed

  • Thanks. And lol yall downvoted my friend oof