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  • I wish I could make this. However I am, not an expert artist

  • I actually know exactly how you feel man. My cousin died awhile ago and I had to take a long long break from Audiotool and felt so overwhelmed by the emotions I was feeling. Im so sorry you feel the way you feel man.But suicide is not the answer. Your brother would hate to watch you do that to yourself. You're not alone man. If you ever need someone to talk to add me on Discord (.mythikai_music). You're loved man and that I can swear on.

  • I understand it.

  • nice flow tho, shit pretty tight, dig ur drum flow too that shit dont miss a beat

  • wanna talk, or make music bro. If u need someone to vent, talk or what ever bro hmu. i get depression pretty well, also addiction. Its not fun alone

  • powerful lyrics

    i really gives us an insight to your current state of mind

    all i hope is that youll be ok.