Let me dream in rain

a song caressed by green trees

wet washing me free

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  • fuck this is stunning it's making me emotional and all that ugh

  • jesus christ man. This is lovely

  • IVe always wanted to use these sounds in dnb. This sounds incredible.....

  • sorry I haven't gotten the chance to mess with this, I gave it a listen and really loved it a little after you sent it. hope I'll be able to fiddle with it at some point. I've been busy with marching band.

  • suhhh

  • Major vibe man. Raindrops might be a little to present in the mix. Maybe u can use some reverb on them to make them blend more in. But besides that i completely love it

  • realy sweet my friend !

  • collab pl0x fam

  • Republished

    higher volume

  • beautiful <3