Probaby the only thing I've made close to something like techno house music.

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  • nice one arche! my head is bangin!

  • really really like this

  • yup there's a little renegade in you too,:)

  • 2nd time playing this :)

  • So great!! Arche! Wonderful track!!!

  • good bass

  • Very nice. I would consider it techno.

  • excellent work arche :)

  • very good sound ! i love your creativity with the beatcreations, realy good :)

  • THIS IS COOL realy like it

  • well i cant take credit for that really the main arrangement came from outkazt . i jsut edited it and added a drum track

  • my new one shows my drumming back ground and my hard core metal influence lol don't laugh but i think classical music and and death metal hard core music have a lot in common. I could not tell you what type of music i follow it depends on the mood i am in whats going on in my life and what / and how long of phase i am going through. i recently found myself inspired by a little rapper on x factor. That lil dude is stupid good

  • I feel the same way and i am in the same place with my misic

  • Those who want to be good in specific styles try hard with those styles and some are phenomenal. But you're right, for me its all just fusing everything I know together and what I hear both hear and elsewhere into stuff that resonates well with me. When I try to be a certain style, I usually don't like the result. Having interests and background in other music helps with inspiration as well.

  • Thats a big reason i like your style your a little like me in the regards that either of us have had any techno exp before our adventure here. and we are both now hopelessly addicted to this but like i said to you earlier. i think you have an advantage because you DONT know what things are supposed to sound like you just know what sounds good:)