1. Make a account on Audiotool

2. Choose a real stupid name (example: xxX1337MUZICMAK3RXxx)

3. Make some terrible songs

4. Follow everyone you see

5. Wait for the follows to roll in


7. Profit

Srsly guys i have been seeing this issue too much and it's starting to get on my nerves. Audiotool isn't about the amount of likes you have or the amount of followers you get, it's about making music and people enjoying your music. But srsly guys how are we gonna stop these accounts ._.

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  • I have no clue if my name is stupid or not, thanks for making me question my life.

  • You sir, are a genius. I can only guess you read my wall by now. I totally support the movement.

  • wtf is this shit man? and if your going to make stupid remarks like that then maybe u shouldn't be making music, i wouldn't even consider this "music", it sounds like some one took a bunch of drugs and threw some random shit together and called it music.