so while i was messing around on a machiniste in another draft (i like to use note tracks), i was wondering what different drum note tracks for different genres would sound like on a plain old synth. the list goes as follows:

1. Chiptune

2. Dubstep

3. Trap

4. House

conclusion: it sucks

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  • i'm gone for three days and y'all make this shit chart?

  • Can't tell you how many times I've accidentally done this. An idea would be to space each different "drum" into a note in a chord so it's at least melodically coherent.

    • i dont recall really having this problem, i just always thought to myself while making drum patterns "i wonder what this sounds like on a pulv."

  • god dammit, this was my 100th track too. track 100 and i waste it on this.