I've made a new sample for all of you guys to use. so use it however you'd like it :)

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  • that slap

  • Nice!

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  • jesus christ my notifications.

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    aeeee ryreee

  • The room-size in the reverb is maxed out on your pad sample so I would decrease at about around 40.00 %. Because when it's maxed out like that, it usually echoes throughout the whole song and overtops it. I also would lower the dry/wet a tiny bit. And also sidechaining will automatically turn down the frequencies in the 808 that clash when the kick hits. Use a Gravity compressor for that, and also use a Curve graphical equalizer to swipe out the unnecessary frequencies.

    • Just do what fits.

    • Maybe you could try boosting the percussion frequencies more with the equalizer? I think it would be helpful. But yeah, I don't have much to say other than keep working on your craft and you'll get better overtime. :)

    • @keybblade I'd say the kick accommodates the 808, more like comfort. I find it helpful when making a song stand out.

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    fix 808