1. Can't get that clean warm analog feel like i want , mostly because the lack of knowledge , or practice , also these bud headphones aren't gonna cut it.

2. Analog pads aren't as easy as most think because of mixing , and I suck at mixing. This pad is no where near the sound of an Authentic Juno Synthesizer.

3. My house skills are gettin better.

4. Not that any of you give a fuck , mostly me and the old heads like Cripta , Rinse , Andre , 808Chuck etc etc will know who Mr. Fingers is.

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  • Trying to recreate the 'can you feel it' vibe? :P

  • Actually this is one of my favs.

  • This is cringy.

  • scarface vibes

  • this is so clean

  • i like the pads

  • i actually think i vaguely remember Mr. Fingers, but its still kind of before my time, but i know for a fact i listened too some of his music growing up

  • >:C

  • :c