I got into producing using this very website about a decade ago. I use ableton mainly these days but I also own logic pro and fl studio, both excellent programs. Audiotool is my foundation however, and it's nice to go back and visit here every now and then. I know so much more than I used to. I was working on a little idea and made this template. I haven't heard much hardgroove on here so I decided to give it a shot myself while also letting others get an idea. Remix this, steal it, download it, I don't care. Have fun, and thank you to audiotool for being my foundation in electronic music!

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  • what a surprise - long time no see indeed (im tophat)

    hope all is well w you these days!

    • I remember you! Do you know how relieved I was when I saw your music returned!? Overall I'm alright these days, still making music and DJing a bit these days