Was really thinking about avatar a lot so I made this. I know the quote Zuko is saying is supposed to be funny but with the right ambience it do be sounding kinda deep tho. I was inspired after listening to "feelings." by Okin because of the way he increased the tempo mid song so I tried to too. Really liked the result. The waves sample at the beginning and end I recorded myself so it was fun to use in a song. As for the genre, I don't think its exactly lofi since it has a lot more movement but I didn't know what else to call so ya. Hope you enjoy!

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  • damn this is a first, never thought i'd inspire someone with a track so thank you for the reference.

    this is very bright and lovely but a little way to help form a tempo shift would be at 01:01 i'd recommend making that part until the tempo speeds up maybe just an arp or one synth. u don't need percussion like kicks and stuff so when the second (faster) section comes through it's better emphasized and way more impactful but that's just my point on it. :)

    • That's actually some great advice! Thank you for taking the time to listen and help me out. And ya for sure you've always been a great inspiration!